10th Years of Dry Wood!!

31 Jan

So we started all this back in December 2014, and our first month of trading, we sold 50 bags! We throught that was outstanding!!

In December 2024, we sold over 400 bags!!

We have remained true to the original ethos, we take in local timber, split it ourselves on our own machines, dry it in our own kilns, powered by our own biomass boilers which are fuelled with the waste wood that comes in that isn’t suitable for splitting, and then delivered in our own van to our customers in a 25 mile radius of Toddington. The wood that you receive is dry, well under 20% moisture and burns beautifully – I know because I’ve got two stoves at home that are used daily, so I have personal knowledge of the quality of our product on an ongoing basis.

Right from the outset, I was concious of the fact that there was so much poor qualtiy firewood out there. What we didn’t want to do, was to create a situation where we create lots of new customers and after doing all the work and all the deliveries, that the phone would ring with complaints that it doesn’t burn! That doesn’t seem like a good business strategy at all to me!

The reality is, we love our customers phoning us back, because they do it all the time, to order more!

We have a brilliant product and a brilliant team of people from the lads in the woodyard who shift tonnes and tonnes of material, split it, bag it, load it and deliver it, to the admin staff who answer the phones, take the orders, update the delivery schedules and liase with the customers on a daily basis. We want or customers to know that once we have the order and its on the schedule, it will get delivered. Consistency, high quality and reliability are our benchmarks.